Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Year Richer

Another Year Richer, originally uploaded by Sparky2*.

Birthday card - "signed" by Zach and Luke; photo of Luke "post-signing"; white azaleas with a year's membership to the beautiful Dallas Arboretum; phone calls & cards from my mom & brother; an enthusiastic speakerphone serenade from the other three little grands (and Maddi couldn't contain her secret ... whispered that she had made "flowers in a bottle" for me); an "unforgettable" lunch out with my girls; a housecleaning and a birthday brownie-cake (made & decorated by Shannon & Zach); a year of gift cards from the Budman for dinner dates each month - and a wake up birthday kiss from my son who snuck in the house after a long night at work. I am blessed.... :-)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Give Praise!!

Group Inspection, originally uploaded by Sparky2*.

Seems we were the only family in the neighborhood that didn't go away for the weekend - and the rest of our own family were away as well ... so it was quiet for us here. A nice change of pace with a new baby in the house.

There was a little customized "down time" to suit each person, I think. A bit of one-on-one with everyone for Zach (a movie, library time and painting with Mom (and a bit of extra sleep for Shan!), water play and gaming with Nana and walks with Grandpa & Krypto.) The Budman read, enjoyed some old Westerns and did some great burgers on the grill and I did some yardwork, reading and did lots of photo work (play).

Yesterday we made sandwiches and loaded up for an impromptu picnic at the pond -

Luke's first picnic!

And Zach caught his first fish - TWO in fact - one right after the other! We saw ducklings, a green heron, lots of redwing blackbirds - and a beautiful sunset to top off a lovely, long praiseworthy weekend ...

A favorite poem perfectly expresses the many things about this life that I praise and give thanks for most every day ... but most especially lately. It's long, but so is my own private list - and Ms. Porter's words are such a beautiful reminder and well worth the read:

List of Praises
by Anne Porter

Give praise with psalms that tell the trees to sing,
Give praise with Gospel choirs in storefront churches,
Mad with the joy of the Sabbath,
Give praise with the babble of infants, who wake with the sun,
Give praise with children chanting their skip-rope rhymes,
A poetry not in books, a vagrant mischievous poetry
living wild on the Streets through generations of children.

Give praise with the sound of the milk-train far away
With its mutter of wheels and long-drawn-out sweet whistle
As it speeds through the fields of sleep at three in the morning,
Give praise with the immense and peaceful sigh
Of the wind in the pinewoods,
At night give praise with starry silences.

Give praise with the skirling of seagulls
And the rattle and flap of sails
And gongs of buoys rocked by the sea-swell
Out in the shipping-lanes beyond the harbor.
Give praise with the humpback whales,
Huge in the ocean they sing to one another.

Give praise with the rasp and sizzle of crickets, katydids and cicadas,
Give praise with hum of bees,
Give praise with the little peepers who live near water.
When they fill the marsh with a shimmer of bell-like cries
We know that the winter is over.

Give praise with mockingbirds, day's nightingales.
Hour by hour they sing in the crepe myrtle
And glossy tulip trees
On quiet side streets in southern towns.

Give praise with the rippling speech
Of the eider-duck and her ducklings
As they paddle their way downstream
In the red-gold morning
On Restiguche, their cold river,
Salmon river,
Wilderness river.

Give praise with the whitethroat sparrow.
Far, far from the cities,
Far even from the towns,
With piercing innocence
He sings in the spruce-tree tops,
Always four notes
And four notes only.

Give praise with water,
With storms of rain and thunder
And the small rains that sparkle as they dry,
And the faint floating ocean roar
That fills the seaside villages,
And the clear brooks that travel down the mountains

And with this poem, a leaf on the vast flood,
And with the angels in that other country.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This - and every blue iris ....

This - and every blue iris ...., originally uploaded by Sparky2*.

I have so, so much to be thankful for ... spring and the blue iris are definitely on my list.

Best to View Large On Black

by Mary Oliver

It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don't try
to make them elaborate, this isn't
a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rock On, Dude!

Rock On, Dude!, originally uploaded by Sparky2*.

Quiet down cobwebs
Dust go to sleep ...
I'm rocking my grandson
and babies don't keep.


We've had rain, rain and more rain! A stopped up gutter (rocks thrown on the roof ... gee, wonder how that happened, Zach et al?) caused a bit of minor flooding. ;-)
The only rain-free day was Saturday when my wonderful trees were finally felled. I nearly cry each time I look out my window; I'll miss them and the critters they brought my way. The remaining trees are now trimmed high for a safer canopy - but will make it very difficult to grab those great shots from the lower hanging branches.

Another First

Another First, originally uploaded by Sparky2*.

At first he was drowsy, sleepy and yawning - but that didn't last long ...

He's awake NOW!!

IMG_2456LukeBathCrop, originally uploaded by Sparky2*.

Big brother was so sweet and helpful - tried his best to entertain and console with bubble-blowing and sharing toys ...