Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking around ... believing.

Looking around ... believing., originally uploaded by Sparky2*.
It's so bittersweet to think back to this time last year when my mom was still with us. All the talks and laughs and hugs mixed up with the hurts and worries - and only now realizing when each turned out to be the last one. All part of the grieving process, I know ... and I'm doing it. Making sunlight where shadows were.

Looking Around, Believing
by Gary Soto

How strange that we can begin at any time.
With two feet we get down the street.
With a hand we undo the rose.
With an eye we lift up the peach tree
And hold it up to the wind — white blossoms
At our feet. Like today. I started
In the yard with my daughter,
With my wife poking at a potted geranium,
And now I am walking down the street,
Amazed that the sun is only so high,
Just over the roof, and a child
Is singing through a rolled newspaper
And a terrier is leaping like a flea
And at the bakery I pass, a palm,
Like a suctioning starfish, is pressed
To the window. We're keeping busy —
This way, that way, we're making shadows
Where sunlight was, making words
Where there was only noise in the trees.
Uploaded by Sparky2* on 11 Jan 11, 9.40AM CST.

1 comment:

  1. Susan... how good that we can begin at any time. Step by step. Hand in hand. Making words where silence was. Conquer the world.

    Your blog is a treasure chest... I'm grateful you showed me the way to it.


