(a) curling under the blankets in a fetal position
(b) escaping into nature
(c) immersing self into books, movies, games, entertainment of the non-thinking, non-challenging variety
(d) general no pressure home puttering
(f) a combination of all the above.
I moved the canopy swing back into place under the trees, took my book, water, an armful of pillows and my camera and stretched out for a couple of hours - enjoying the sway from warm sunshine to shadow.
Did much reading and dozing ...
an amazing big, fat epic novel by Dennis Lehane "The Given Day" - a story full of history and action and mesmerizing characters - the kind of work I tend to lose myself in completely.
Every now and then a movement or sound would pull me out of the story and I'd look up to see a downy woodpecker, silly squirrel antics, the first butterfly or the sun highlighting the new spring greens in the branches overhead.
A trip to Lowe's (for a drain cleaning tool for my shower) resulted in the unplanned purchase of a new monster Boston Fern and some gorgeous tulips and hyacinths -
which of course in turn prompted a later unplanned photo session with said purchases.
After a while on the side yard swing I'd amble around to the back yard and my sweet spot on the patio near the bird feeders and my little homemade fountain - 

which wasn't flowing properly and launched an all out clean and redo.
I so love that fountain - made it from a huge planter several years ago. Now it gurgles beautifully - so relaxing to see and hear the water flowing over smooth river rocks and the odd whimsical crystal or marbles -
and to watch the sway of the fern in the breeze ... catch the fragrance of the tulips and hyacinths.
The butterfly bush hasn't started to bloom yet, but I counted 32 new rosebuds! I see sprigs on the crepe myrtle and the sage bushes (which have gotten huge!) and the lantanta is coming back strong. Did a bit more pruning and clean up and started some loose mental plans for changes, improvements and additions to the yard.
Toward evening we took an impromptu trip to the little carnival in town ... more and different delightful sights, sounds and smells to rally the senses. 

Sunday was more of the delicious same ... slow and easy - reading, mah jong, photo editing and play, a few more errands and general puttering ---
and the weekend came to a satisfying close as we made the most of the first extra hour of daylight with a dinner of burgers, dogs and sausages from the grill.
Monday? .... bring it on! ;-)
What a wonderful narrative, Susan! thanks so much for all of it. I love the images of your taking in all the sights in your own back yard and passing some of them on to your readers here.